Cigars and Cigarillos
Cigars and Cigarillos: Q&A
Is smoking cigars without inhaling safe?
AnswerNo. Not only can cigar smoking, which includes cigarillos, cause cancers of the mouth and throat, it can also cause serious health problems - even if you don't inhale.
Are cigarillos safer than cigarettes?
AnswerNo, cigarillos are not a safe alternative to cigarettes. In fact, smoking cigarillos exposes users to similar types of cancer-causing substances and at least as much carbon monoxide as cigarette smokers. There's no such thing as safe tobacco.
If I don't inhale, can I still get addicted to nicotine?
AnswerYes, Many teens underestimate how easy it is to get addicted to nicotine/tobacco. Cigarillo users don't need to inhale to be exposed to nicotine - It can also be absorbed through your fingers and lips. Exposure to nicotine during adolescence affects brain development and makes it easier to get addicted.

Cigars and Cigarillos
Cigars and Cigarillos
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Cigars and Cigarillos: Q&A
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CTP funded contract study results- not yet published. CTP Lead: Megan Schroeder." -
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