Nicotine Cravings
Cigarettes can make you lose control
Cigarettes: Q&A
Can smoking lead to anxiety?
AnswerYes, if you smoke cigarettes and quit, your body may miss having nicotine in its system.
This is called withdrawal. Common withdrawal symptoms include a depressed mood, sleeping problems, concentration problems, irritability, increased appetite, and, you guessed it: anxiety. -
What are the immediate health effects of smoking?
AnswerWith the first puff of a cigarette, harmful chemicals enter your lungs and move quickly into your bloodstream, affecting almost every organ in your body. It might not seem like a lot, but even smoking a cigarette now and then can harm you. If you start smoking at a young age, the growth of your lungs can be stunted and the development of your brain can be altered.
Why is secondhand smoke harmful and how dangerous is it for nonsmokers?
AnswerWhen you breathe in secondhand cigarette smoke, you're exposed to more than 7,000 chemicals. Many of them are toxic, and more than 70 can cause cancer. Secondhand smoke exposure increases a non-smoker's risk of having a heart attack or developing coronary heart disease or lung cancer. So even if you don't smoke, brief exposure to secondhand smoke can be detrimental to your health. The fact is, there's no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke.
What are some of the chemicals in cigarettes?
AnswerArsenic, benzene, formaldehyde, lead, and mercury are just a few of the more than 70 cancer-causing chemicals in cigarette smoke. And with more than 7,000 chemicals total, smoking can harm your health in more ways than one.
What smoking can cost you
70 cancer-causing chemicals
Benefits of not smoking
Cigarettes can make you lose control